Cycles within cycles

Since times immemorial, man has been a witness of the cyclicality of nature and of life. It starts with your pulse, your heart beat, the pace of your breathing, the daily sun sets, the tides and the moon, the seasons etc, a surrounding all encompassing cycle of births, growth spurts, maturity and decay, all dictated by the same thermodynamic law of entropy, a booming spark of chaotic energy that eventually gets diffused into orderly cold matter. This same universal clock of ascending and descending energy is at work in markets and is what the great technicians Charles Dow, Ralph Nelson Elliott and William Gann have described over centuries. They too noticed the fractal nature of market cycles, made of long ascending and descending primary trends, themselves made of ascending and descending intermediary trends, themselves made of smaller trends etc. In brief, cycles within cycles. This dialectical historical mechanics is the way of the Tao or what...