Greed & Fear

Any serious investor should aim at learning about human nature and what underpins our decision processes and actions. E-motions are what drive actions in the stock market. Behavioural patterns and cycles have been the subject of numerous books and studies. The work of Tversky and Kahneman is the bible. The books of Montier, Thaler and many others are their gospels. The decision filters underpinning market participants‘ buy and sell orders are a complex blend of both rational utilitarian considerations, but more importantly emotions. The human brain is the computer that analyses the information and come out with a decision to act and send the electro-chemical signals that trigger a trade. At the centre of our mainframe lies the brain of a lezard. This brain makes us react fast without thinking. The emotional input received by ths brain is then refined by the cortex that produces images and other interpretations, it is then analysed more slowly by the neocort...